3D三维动态LOGO标志卡通动漫 AE视频模板 3 Colorful Logos
【适合版本】:AECS5, AECS5.5, AECS6, AECC, AECC2014, AECC2015(或更高版本)
【分辨率】 :1920*1080
【插件要求】:无 推荐本站 AE插件(预设)免费下载专区
【背景音乐】:不包含 推荐使用:( AE模板专用背景音乐大力推荐AJ超级素材库 )

If you need to present your logo in a cool and modern way this template is for you! The 3 Colorful Logos Pack features 3 different logo openers with a clean and modern design. To customize, simply replace your logo, change the text, and render. It requires no third-party plugins, and it renders fast.

